What Is the Meaning of Flatulence?
Medical Importance
Excessive flatulence could mean something is wrong. Though often embarrassing, some degree of flatulence is generally considered normal. Excessive flatulence, however, could be a sign of indigestion, poor diet or eating habits, or a serious gastro-intestinal condition.
Flatulence may partly result from swallowing air while eating or drinking, but its primary cause is the fermentation of food products in the lower intestine. This is performed by microbes residing in the large intestine, which feed on remaining nutrients when the stomach and upper intestine fail to digest food particles completely.
Eating Habits
Food should be eaten slowly and chewed thoroughly in order to reduce swallowed gases and promote increased efficiency in the upper gastro-intestinal tract. The stomach digests well-chewed food more completely than it does large chunks, and it will extract a larger portion of its nutritional value before passing it along to the intestines.
Diet is important. Certain foods, such as legumes and other starches, rough greens and rich sources of raw dietary fiber tend to produce excess flatulence. Eating a balanced diet containing only a moderate amount of these food types may help to reduce flatulence. Eating spices such as caraway, coriander, cumin and turmeric also may be beneficial. People who are lactose intolerant should avoid foods containing the milk sugar lactose because it can cause severe bloating and excess intestinal gas.
Gastro-Intestinal Disease
A physician can tell you more about excessive flatulence. Persistent flatulence that fails to respond to modified diet and eating habits may indicate the presence of a serious medical condition. Ulcers, colitis, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's Disease and a host of other disorders typically cause intractable flatulence. Someone experiencing excess intestinal gas over a prolonged period should consult a licensed medical professional.