What Is in Gas Medicine?
Causes of Gas
Some people develop excessive intestinal gas just by eating too much in one sitting. Other people have sensitivities to specific foods, such as lactose intolerance. In those cases, consumption of even a small amount of the offending food can cause gas. If you have just changed your diet to include high-fiber foods, this can also cause gas. Fiber-rich foods are a healthy choice, but be sure to gradually increase your dietary fiber levels to minimize gas and bloating.
Standard over-the-counter gas medicine typically contains simethicone as the active ingredient. Simethicone helps eliminate gas bubbles from the digestive system. It coats the bubbles, reducing their surface tension and allowing them to pop more easily. The medication also contains inactive ingredients such as flavors, food coloring, and various gums and/or gelatin for texture. Depending on your preference, you can purchase chewable tablets, swallowable gelcaps, or a children's liquid formula.
Other Uses
Simethicone, having the ability to break down bubbles more easily, is used in a few other medical situations. It reduces symptoms of colic in babies, probably by minimizing their gas pain. Doctors also use simethicone when they need to place an endoscope down a patient's throat, because the simethicone breaks any bubbles, clearing the visual path for the procedure.
Side Effects
As long as you are taking this medication as directed by your doctor or you are following the instructions on the over-the-counter package insert, there should be no side effects. As with any medication, if you are pregnant, consult with your doctor or pharmacist prior to taking simethicone. Also, talk with your doctor or pharmacist about any interaction simethicone might have with the current medications you are taking.
Other Gas Remedies
If you would prefer to take a more natural route to relieve your gastrointestinal issues, try sipping a cup of peppermint tea. Peppermint oil has a calming effect on the digestive tract, but it can aggravate acid reflux problems. Health food stores also sell activated charcoal tablets, which you can take before and after meals to help any chronic problems. However, if your symptoms are caused by an underlying chronic issue such as an ulcer or lactose intolerance, it is best to treat that root cause rather than constantly treating your symptoms.