Upset Tummy Cures
Peppermint is a herb that can alleviate an upset stomach when used in different forms. The herb helps to calm the linings in the stomach eliminating accumulated gas in the body. Add one to two teaspoons of dried peppermint to one cup of boiling water. Let the tea set for 15 minutes and then drain. Taking a few capsules of peppermint in oil form can also quell an upset stomach. The oil alleviates stomach pains by forcing gas trapped in the colon, large intenstine and small intenstine to be soaked up by the body.
Pay close attention to your diet, as what you eat may cause an upset stomach. Certain foods such as beans, onions, dairy products, broccoli, peanuts and apples are often culprits that cause gas. The Health 911 website warns against the intake of large amounts of low-carb foods, many of which contain the sugar alcohols lacitol or sorbitol. The sugar alcohols are used to sweeten low-carb foods and ingesting large quantities may bring on stomachaches, reports the Health 911 website. Eliminating or reducing low carbs can help prevent stomach ailments. Consuming a diet rich in fiber can also help deter stomachaches. Foods containing fiber, including whole grains, aid in retaining water and creating a gel in the stomach that can decrease pressure in the belly. Consuming carbonated water can induce belching, which also assists in relieving gas.
Aloe Vera
Try aloe vera juice to soothe an upset belly. Each day ingest a one-third cup of aloe vera juice to coat the stomach. Consuming a small amount of aloe vera before eating can stimulate the glands in the stomach, kidneys, liver and gallbladder, and even assist in mending damaged stomach tissue.
Over-the-counter antacids can provide relief for indigestion. Many forms of antacids are available. Magnesium hydroxides include Phillips' Milk of Magnesia, and common calcium carbonate antacids include Rolaids and Tums. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center website, caution is needed if you consume antacids while on certain medications. Antacids may deter medications from being absorbed by the body, weakening the medication's effects. The University of Maryland website recommends taking an antacid 60 minutes before or 120 minutes after taking medications and consulting with your pharmacist or physician for further information.
Lifestyle Changes
Stomach ailments can be self induced through the intake of alcohol, tobacco, coffee, foods containing citric acid and anti-inflammatory medicines. By cutting back or eliminating these products altogether can prevent an upset stomach. Stress can also affect the stomach negatively and finding ways to channel stress through techniques such as yoga, tai chi, meditation and acupuncture will aid with an upset belly.