Mineral Oil Treatment & Constipation
What is It?
Mineral oil is a distillate of petroleum. It is colorless and odorless. Mineral oil is commonly found in lubricant laxatives, dust products, body oils, facial treatments and makeup products. It's common in body care and makeup products because it's inexpensive and rarely causes allergic reactions or side effects on the skin.
How to Take it for Constipation
Mineral oil is found at most drug stores, natural food stores and vitamin stores. It is available in liquid and capsule form. Both forms will treat constipation, however the liquid works quicker. Thoroughly read the packaging material for dosing information, warnings and possible side effects. Following the dosing instructions, take the pills or drink the liquids. If you don't like the taste of liquid mineral oil, mix it with other liquids, such as milk, juice, smoothies or shakes.
How it Works?
Mineral oil is a stimulant laxative. A stimulant laxative forces the bowel to contract or spasm, which causes the stools to move through the bowels and come out. As the stools are forced to move through bowel contractions, they can be broken up, causing diarrhea.
Treating constipation with mineral oil is an inexpensive treatment that doesn't require a medical prescription. Mineral oil is easy to obtain and it has been used for generations as a tonic for constipation. When used only as needed, and not regularly, people experience few side effects. Mineral oil works quickly, often causing a bowel movement within five hours.
Stimulant laxatives such as mineral oil are the harshest type of constipation aid on the body. The contractions and spasms are uncomfortable, but for some people it can be extremely painful. If stimulant laxatives are used for prolonged periods, the bowel can lose its tone. When this happens, the bowel loses the ability to push the stool out, causing further constipation or bigger medical problems. If mineral oil is used for a prolonged period, deficiencies in vitamins A, D, E and K can occur because mineral oil blocks the body's ability to consume these vitamins. Additionally, stomach cramping, flatulence and diarrhea can occur for hours after taking mineral oil treatments. If you use mineral oil, be sure to be near a bathroom for the remainder of the day.