Body Cleaning Methods
One way of cleaning the body is through a change in diet. Since candida albicans thrives on sugar and gluten, a protein found in wheat, rye and barley, you can eliminate foods that contain sugar and gluten to clean your body. This method will entail eliminating most commercial foods such as bread, cereal, pasta, cookies and crackers. Fortunately, there are substitutes for these foods such as brown rice pasta and bread so you do not have to completely stop eating your favorite foods. A change in diet is often the starting point for most body cleaning endeavors.
Juicing With Vegetables and Fruits
Juicing entails blending certain vegetables and fruits until they are in liquid form. The nutrients in vegetables and fruits can be digested more easily in liquid form. Both fruits and vegetables contain digestive enzymes that naturally help clean the body and eliminate excess candida albicans. Juicing with fruits and vegetables can also help alkalize the body, which can kill viruses, parasites and harmful bacteria in the body. Common vegetables used in juicing include spinach, leafy lettuce, cabbage, apples, celery and tomatoes.
Colon Cleansing
Colon cleanses can also help eliminate parasites and excess candida albicans in the body. There are two main types of colon cleansing: colon cleansing formulas and colonic hydrotherapy. Purchase herbal formulas at health food stores; they often contain both herbs and parasite-killing vegetables like parsley and garlic. Most colon cleansing formulas are designed to last about one month.
Colon hydrotherapy is the process of using ozonated water to clean out the colon. It is best to have a licensed colon hydrotherapist administer the treatment, though some will set you up and allow you to do the therapy in private. Colon hydrotherapy can be effective, but is is also expensive. Each treatment can cost between $60 to $80.
Probiotics are natural bacteria that help replenish the "friendly" bacteria in your digestive tract. These friendly bacteria are often eroded when you have candidiasis and parasites. Probiotics help fight yeast as they clean out the colon and digestive tract. Purchase probiotics at a health food store. Moreover, some foods contain bacteria such as yogurt and buttermilk.