How to Recognize Symptoms of a Gallbladder Attack
Take note of any pain occurring in the middle or the upper right part of your abdomen. Pain is the most obvious symptom. The pain may radiate to the back or shoulder. Chest pain may also be present. Observe whether the abdominal pain occurs or worsens after eating a meal. If present, does the chest or abdominal pain become worse when breathing deeply?
Observe whether nausea or vomiting occur. These are common symptoms that often accompany a gallbladder infection or attack. Notice whether a fever is present. It is common for fever to accompany infection.
Observe whether there is abdominal bloating. There is often a feeling of fullness, particularly after eating even if you've only consumed a small portion of food. Notice whether heartburn is present. Heartburn is often associated with a gallbladder attack or infection and may occur mainly after eating a meal.
Note whether the pain is associated with specific foods. Consuming certain foods, alcoholic beverages and caffeine can irritate an already inflamed gallbladder and help to bring on a gallbladder attack. It is important to pay attention to when the pain occurs so that your can provide your physician with accurate information regarding the pain you are experiencing.
If you are experiencing at least 2 of these symptoms or experiencing any sharp pain or shortness of breath, seek medical attention immediately.