How to Get Rid of Intestinal Bugs or Diarrhea
Eat slowly. Pay attention to your body. If you eat half a piece of bread and the pain gets worse, switch to the less-substantial broth. Avoid foods that may aggravate diarrhea, such as dairy products and greasy foods.
Suck on ice chips. You need to stay hydrated, and ice chips will allow the fluid to enter your system slowly, without shocking your body.
Rest. Nothing will heal a gastrointestinal disturbance more quickly than rest and fluids.
Avoid any pain medications. These upset your stomach and will likely make any gastrointestinal problem worse.
Take stomach soothers. Medications such as Pepto-Bismol can reduce the amount of acid in your stomach, slow your diarrhea and temporarily remove your nausea. You can also take an anti-diarrheal medication, although this could make your diarrhea worse if it's caused by a bacterial infection or parasite.
Drink plenty of non-caffeinated, non-sugary drinks. One of the largest causes for complications from diarrhea or the stomach flu is a loss of liquid in the body. Staying hydrated is extremely important and is really the only treatment necessary.