Foods That Prevent Bloating
Sugary Foods
The sugars raffinose, lactose, fructose, and sorbitol all produce gas. Raffinose is found in many vegetables such as beans, cabbage and broccoli. Lactose, a natural sugar in dairy products such as milk, cheese and yogurt, breaks down by the enzyme lactase in the body. However, as people age, the amount of the lactase enzyme in the body decreases, causing more gas in the digestive tract. Foods like onions, pears and drink sweeteners contain fructose while sugar-free candies and gums, peaches, apples and prunes contain the sugar sorbitol.
Starchy Foods
The large intestine breaks down foods containing high amounts of starch and is the place where digestion causes bloating and gas. Starchy foods to avoid include potatoes, pasta, corn and wheat. Rice is the only exception.
Soluble-Fiber Foods
Unlike insoluble fibers, which pass unchanged through the digestive tract, soluble fibers dissolve in water, changing to a gel-like substance. The large intestine digests the gel-like substance, which may be the culprit of bloating. Soluble-fiber foods include most fruits, oat bran, beans and peas. Psyllium, an additive found particularly in breakfast cereals, also contains high amounts of soluble fiber and should be avoided to prevent bloating.
Gum and Hard Candy
Chewing gum and sucking on hard candy increase the need for swallowing, thereby increasing the amount of air taken into the body. Air caught in the digestive tract can lead to the sensation of bloating.