How to Avoid Foods That Cause Gas
Avoiding eating lots of beans, legumes and adding too much spices to your diet. Beans are high in fiber. Fiber goes in and out of your digestive tract. Fiber can cause excessive flatulence and be a bit rough on your digestive system. Problem is, fiber very healthy for our digestive system and good for us. Beans provide a high amount of fiber. Soaking legumes into vinegar might cut excessive gas. Prunes and raisins can cause flatulence as well. A lot of grains, corn, and wheat can cause gas.
A lot of spices can cause gas and can be rough on your digestive system. Garlic, chili powder, and onions can cause gas. Limit your use of much spices. Too much spices cause flatulence. Herbs are okay, and might help balance acids in your digestive system. Oregano, parsley, thyme and ginger for example are okay to add to your diet. Ginger and peppermint can help prevent excessive gas.
Avoid eating cabbage and broccoli. Two vegetables that are linked to excessive gas. Both cabbage and broccoli provide excessive flatulence. Both are quite healthy and perfectly okay to eat nutrition wise. They contain high amounts of minerals in them. However, if you plan to go at that night, or have company over, it's best that you don't eat those vegetables for dinner. Also sauerkraut can be a bad mix.
Avoid lots of fried foods, carbs, and processed foods. Fried foods, and foods high in animal fats cause flatulence. Limit your diary intake. Don't eat too much yogurt, cheese, and use a lot of milk. Those that are lactose intolerance should avoid too much dairy.
Don't drink a lot of beer and soda. Avoid a lot of carbonated beverages like beer and soda. Instead, replace those drinks with green tea, water, or tomato juice. Tomato juice might help with flatulence. Also drinking ginger ale can help relieve gas.
Don't eat a lot of starch foods and sweets high in sugar. Starch foods and sweets will cause excessive flatulence. A lot of potatoes and wheat contain high amount of starch. Like pasta for example. Sweets like muffins, cake, cookies, candy, and pies can cause flatulence.
Limiting gas and bloating. Drinking a lot of water will eliminate bloating and gas. You should stay hydrated and drink lots of water. Some fruits and vegetables will limit bloating. Spinach and grapes are okay on your stomach. Citrus acids might contribute to bloating. Berries contains fiber, which also might cause gas. Bananas are too high in potassium. Lemon juice and aloe vera juice can limit flatulence.