What to Do About Gas Caused by Chantix?
Over the Counter Medications
There are several over the counter medications that can be ingested to alleviate the pain and discomfort of gas, bloating and a swollen abdomen. Look for antacids that contain the ingredient Simethicone. This can commonly be found in Gas-X, Mylanta, Myclicon, Phazyme, and Alka-Seltzer Anti-Gas. Simethicone foams in your stomach, which makes it easier to dispel excess gas. Follow the dosing directions on the package of each individual product.
Increasing your daily intake of water will aid in the digestion process and make it easier for your body to dispel the excess gas caused by Chantix. Ideally, an adult who performs a normal amount of activity on a daily basis should be drinking at least 8 to 10, 8 oz. glasses of water every day. This amount should be raised during periods of excessive exercise and activity.
Herbal Remedies
Gas pain and discomfort can also be relieved by herbal remedies. Peppermint extract is one such remedy. The peppermint can be added to tea and sipped slowly to relax the intestinal tract, which will make it easier to expel the gas. Chamomile and ginger can also be brewed into a tea to help treat the bloating pain associated with gas.
Speak to Your Doctor
Speak with your doctor if the gas pain becomes unbearable or if no relief can be found through over the counter or herbal treatment. He or she may advise you to discontinue the medication or prescribe a different smoking cessation drug, such as Zyban.