How to Fight Constipation: Home Remedies
Take a magnesium supplement. Smooth and skeletal muscles need magnesium to properly function, and a period of constipation could be a result of a magnesium deficiency. If you do not want to take a supplement, try increasing your intake of magnesium rich foods such as leafy greens and nuts.
Make a concentrated effort to drink more water. Juice and milk are great, but your body needs at least 8-10 glasses of water per day. Make sure that you are consuming this much water regardless of any other fluids you may be drinking. Restoring hydration can effectively treat constipation without the use of any drugs.
Get some exercise. Exercise is one of the fastest ways to produce a bowel movement after constipation. You can try anything from running, swimming, or yoga, just get your body moving and your bowels will begin moving again, too.
Eat fresh fruits and vegetables that contain fiber. It is important that the fruits be fresh, as canned fruits do not offer enough fiber to aid in constipation relief. You can also try eating dried fruits such as prunes.
If you are still constipated, try using an enema to increase lubriction. Mix olive oil and pure warm water for use with the enema and enjoy natural constipation relief.