How to Mix Multiple Insulin Injections in One Syringe

Secreted by the pancreas, insulin helps the body convert glucose into a useable form of energy for the body. When the body is unable to produce insulin or the levels of insulin produced are not sufficient, insulin injections may be used. Mixing insulin injections is a way to decrease the number of injections a person has to administer each day.

Things You'll Need

  • Doctor's order
  • Insulin vials
  • Insulin syringe
  • Alcohol swabs
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    • 1

      Check the expiration date on the vials of insulin. If they are not expired, roll each vial between your hands until mixed. Never shake the vials.

    • 2

      Remove any caps from the vials. Wipe the top of each vial with an alcohol swab.

    • 3

      Look at the ordered amount of each type of insulin. Generally, you will have a cloudy insulin and a clear insulin which are being mixed.

    • 4

      Pull air into the syringe equal to the amount of cloudy insulin you will administer. Inject that amount of air into the cloudy vial. Air is injected into the vial because the vial is a closed system. If you do not inject air into the vial, you will be unable to remove the insulin you need. Once the air is injected, remove the syringe from the cloudy vial.

    • 5

      Pull air into the syringe equal to the amount of clear insulin you will administer. Inject that amount of air into the clear vial.

    • 6

      Invert the clear vial and pull the ordered amount of clear insulin into the syringe. Remove the syringe from the clear vial.

    • 7

      Insert the syringe into the cloudy vial, invert the vial and pull the ordered amount of cloudy insulin into the syringe. Remove syringe from the cloudy vial.

    • 8

      Remove any air bubbles and double check the total amount of insulin in the syringe with the amount ordered by the doctor. If the amount is incorrect, discard the insulin in the syringe as well as the syringe itself. Then, start over with Step 1.

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