Colon Bacteria Problems
Good bacteria and yeast, which is a fungus, normally reside together in the human colon. When the good bacteria are killed off because of antibiotic use or other stressful lifestyle habits, the yeast can grow unchecked and cause a host of health problems.
The good bacteria also keep the bad bacteria from multiplying and growing out of control. When bad bacteria grow out of control, they can be detrimental to many of our body functions.
Some of the problems that can arise from bad bacteria growing unchecked are constipation, symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome and autoimmune disorders such as arthritis and allergies.
To prevent the imbalance of bacteria in the colon, specialists recommend the consumption of products that contain probiotics, or good bacteria. Foods that have undergone a fermentation process, such as sauerkraut, can be beneficial to the colon as well.
Health-care professionals now believe that as much as 90 percent of all disease stems from problems with the colon and digestive tract.