IBS Acid Stomach Relief
IBS is a collection of symptoms that affects the bowels and colon. It is often described as a functional disorder that contributes to the bowels and colon not functioning correctly. Some of the symptoms are cramping, bloating, gas, diarrhea and constipation. Doctors are not sure what really causes IBS. The muscles in the colon of patients with IBS are sensitive and contract too much when the person eats. The nerves in the body react, signaling the brain when the bowel stretches, which causes pain. Other symptoms of IBS are white mucous in the stool, and a swollen and bloated stomach..
Diagnosis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome
The doctor will give you a physical exam and often take some blood tests when diagnosing IBS. Other tests that help diagnosis irritable bowel syndrome are a lower gastrointestinal series. X-rays are used to get a picture of what is going on in the large intestine. You have to receive a barium enema, which will be put into your anus so that it can enter the large intestine. Barium is a thick solution that helps show your large intestines better when getting the X-ray. Another test used is the colonscopy. The doctor inserts a long thin tube through you anus that goes into your colon. The tube has a light and lens at the end of it. The doctor can view your colon on a big-screen TV. Other tests are hydrogen breath test, blood tests and a stool sample
Diet Changes to Treat IBS
Diet changes in your eating pattern often are part of IBS treatment. Certain foods may cause the symptoms so the doctor may tell you to keep a food diary of what you eat. Some foods like fatty foods, milk products, chocolate, alcohol and soda make IBS worse. Keeping a food dairy every day will help you find out if this is part of the problem. You will list the date, food you eat at what time and any symptoms that occurred shortly later. Fiber added to your diet through the diet helps some people feel better. Because many of the symptoms affect the stomach, what you eat is an important aspect. Foods with fiber are apples, peaches, broccoli, cabbage, carrots and peas. Some people are sensitive to fiber and it may cause them more pain. Smaller meals eaten four or five times a day are easier on someone with IBS.
Medications for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Often treatment of IBS involves taking prescription drug for some symptoms. One of the most prescribed drugs is an anti-spasmodic drug that controls pain and the stomach's reaction to stress and eating. It is taken about 30 minutes before you eat. They are usual pills or capsules. Sometimes low doses of anti-depressants are prescribed to affect serotonin levels and anxiety and stress that contribute to IBS. Some worsen symptoms of IBS, so the doctor must know how to use this effectively in treatment. Some over-the-counter drugs are used for diarrhea in treatment of IBS. Again different levels of pain killers are prescribed as long as they are not too strong. Many doctors will not prescribe narcotic pain killers because they fear patients will become addicted to them.
Herbal and Natural Remedies
Acidophilus is a bacteria found in yogurt that helps the digestive tract. Taking supplements or eating yogurt with live cultures helps control symptoms of IBS. It can be taken as a pill or obtained from eating yogurt. Acidophilus is a form of probiotics. It is a product that contains beneficial bacteria. Peppermint oil is sometimes used to relieve some of the symptoms of IBS. It relives colon spasms in some patients and soothes upset stomach. Always check with your doctor before using any new remedies for IBS. Other probiotics used for treating IBS symptoms are fermented and unfermented milk, miso, tempeh and some soy beverages. Acupuncture is sometimes used to treat IBS. The traditional Chinese healing ar is used to relive stomach cramps, constipation and diarrhea. Only a trained professional in this art should give the treatment. Exercise, meditation,and hypnosis are techniques used to reduce stress that causes IBS. Many medical hospitals and centers offer alternative treatments now. Again, always consult a physician before trying any treatments.