Colon Hydrotherapy Treatment
Why People Do It
There are many reasons people undergo colon hydrotherapy treatment. Some are just looking to maintain their health or lose weight. Many women seek to maintain their youthful appearance, which can purportedly be accomplished by eliminating toxins. Others have more serious illnesses or autoimmune diseases, and eliminating systemic yeast and toxins is essential for improving their health.
Home Versus Commercial Units
Home colonic kits or units usually cost $100 to $300. The advantage of these units is convenience; you can do a treatment whenever you have time. The downside is that the water supply has to be shut off periodically to dispel contents. The platform is placed between a chair and the toilet, which is not as sturdy as commercial units. Finally, there is the inconvenience of cleaning the platform after each use.
On the other hand, the commercial units allow a constant water supply to flush the intestines. The treatments are also administered by a licensed colon therapist. These people can better help diagnose a person's problem and recommend supplements for improving immunity.
The Process
Colon hydrotherapy is usually performed through a licensed colon therapist. These individuals are often found in the same offices as reflexologists, acupuncturists and deep massage therapists. A session will usually run about 40 minutes.
After disrobing from the waist down, the patient usually lies on a table with a basin, inserts a small tube in his rectum and pulls a sheet over himself. The colon therapist then enters the room, turns the water on and sets the initial water temperature. Some therapists stay in the room during treatment and some do not. The water controls are easy to operate.
Most of these professionals use a self-contained unit that runs without interruption. The water supply, which is elevated at a higher level than the table, enters the patient's colon through the tube. It gradually fills all three sections of the large intestines: Ascending, transverse and descending. About 25 to 30 gallons of water will be used in the process.
Patients are usually asked to hold the water in for as long as possible. This fosters the process of separating encrustations and fecal material from the colon walls. Each time the patient releases his water, it drains through the basin into a long tube that runs along the wall. A fluorescent light behind the tube makes it easy to view the waste materials. A patient is usually asked to examine contents of the tube and later report it to the colon therapist. For example, if a patient sees a lot of yellow fluid in the tube, he probably dispelled a lot of toxins during the session. White usually indicates systemic yeast.
Most colon hydrotherapists will give their patients probiotics after a session. This can be done orally or through the intestines at the end of the session. This helps to restore some of the flora lost in the process. Electrolytes are sometimes included in the oral solution.
The Benefits
Over time, many pounds of fecal matter can accumulate in the large intestines. As a result, toxins can be trapped by the mucus lining the intestinal walls. These toxins will eventually enter the blood stream and invade cells and vital organs. This can lead to serious illness or even death.
Moreover, essential vitamins and minerals pass through the walls of the colon. Any blockage can hinder the body's absorption of these nutrients.
Colon hydrotherapy also rids the large intestines of invasive bacteria. Bacteria that lingers too long in the intestines can lower pH levels. This lower pH levels provides a more acidic environment for harmful parasites to thrive. During treatment and higher temperatures can help kill this bad bacteria.
Finally, colon hydrotherapy can eliminate systemic yeast, the underlying cause of many autoimmune diseases.
Number of Sessions
Most people will do four to eight sessions spread over six or eight weeks. More chronically ill patients can spend many months with colon hydrotherapy.