Home Remedy for the Stomach Virus
First and foremost, get enough rest when you have the stomach flu. Too much activity and movement may make you feel unbearably nauseous. Not getting enough rest while ill can hinder your immune system's ability to fight the infection. Make sure that you are comfortable---being too hot, near strong smells like the smell of cooking or in a too-humid room may make you feel even queasier.
Drink Plenty of Clear Fluids
As you rest, drink clear fluids very slowly an hour or two after the last time you vomited. Drink in very small sips to see if your body can hold it down. If you can hold down fluids, sip slowly on beverages that will help settle your stomach. Any clear fluid that is relatively low in sugar can ease your stomach back into normal digestion---water, weak black tea and mint tea are best at first. As your stomach grows stronger, move up to carbonated beverages like ginger ale and lemon-lime soda. Avoid milk or anything creamy, as that will make your stomach feel worse.
Eat Easily Digestible Foods
After you've been able to hold down liquids and it has been about six hours since you last vomited, consider eating bland foods that are easy to digest, like gelatin snacks, saltines and toast without butter. As your stomach grows more tolerant, try high-carbohydrate foods like rice, oatmeal and fruit. Do not eat fatty foods as they may make you feel worse. Ease back into your regular diet.
Over-the-Counter Treatments
Some OTC drugs may make you feel better. Pain relievers may help ease the pain in your stomach and lower your fever. Remedies with bismuth subsalicylate like Kaopectate and Pepto-Bismol can help ease your stomach by coating the lining of your stomach. These also reduce the amount of liquid and electrolytes that enter your intestines.
Stop the Spread
Most stomach viruses are extremely contagious. Wash your hands every time you vomit or go to the bathroom and make sure that your family members wash their hands consistently. Do not share foods, drinks or eating utensils while you are ill and for a few days afterward. It may be helpful to disinfect sponges and dishes during your period of illness.