What Foods to Avoid After Gallbladder Surgery
Fried Foods
Any fried or greasy foods, such as fried chicken or french fries, should be avoided to reduce the amount of fatty oils in the digestion system. Fast foods and fried foods are rich in unhealthy saturated fats, which tend to slow the whole digestive process.
Processed Foods
Foods that have been altered from their original state and processed through canning, freezing, pasteurization and other methods should also be avoided or kept to a minimum. Processed foods, such as milk, frozen dinners, dairy products, snack foods and chocolate place some amount of stress on the whole digestive process and normally do not provide healthy nutrients.
Red Meat and Pork
Meat is harder on the digestive system because it requires more enzymes to break down. A digestive system just getting used to not having the gallbladder would benefit from not having to work harder to digest red meat after surgery. Pork is one of the more complex meats that are very difficult for the body to digest. It can sit in the stomach for up to five hours before it is broken down and digested, which causes other foods to become more acidic and gaseous as they remain in the stomach in the meantime.
Acidic Fruits
Sour fruits, such as oranges, grapefruits, lemons and pineapples, contain a lot of acid that can upset the digestive system, especially one that is trying to adjust to a change. The acid can lead to gas in the stomach and impede the process of digesting carbohydrates.
Spicy Foods and Caffeine
Spicy foods, coffee, soda and other foods containing caffeine can cause the stomach to have a lot of gas and acidity, which increases the likelihood of having some minor pain and discomfort while the food is being digested.
Although broccoli is very good for the body as far as nutrients and fiber content, it is not conducive to easy digestion. Broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage can cause bloating in the stomach area because of gas buildup.
Alcoholic Beverages
Drinking a lot of alcohol tends to create more acidity within the digestive system and can affect the digestive process. In addition, too much fluid can begin to dilute the enzymes within the system that are needed to properly break down food.