Candida Cleansing With Probiotics
Probiotics consist of microorganisms, living bacteria that live in our intestinal tract. They are sometimes called the "good" bacteria, because they help kill harmful bacteria and aid with digestion and nutritional absorption. According to Dr. Gabe Mirkin, MD, on, the good bacteria that live in the colon reduce inflammation and help prevent and treat Crohn's disease, psoriasis, arthriti, and other illnesses.
Where are Probiotics Found
Candida cleansing is most effective when you incorporate the good bacteria into your diet from food sources, according to Dr. Bob Roberts of Pennsylvania State Food Science.
Probiotics are found in fermented foods and in dietary supplements. Yogurt is a popular source of probiotics. Many yogurts, like Dannon's Activia, are marketed to contain "live cultures" or probiotics to aid in digestion. Miso, kefir and kombucha tea also contain probiotics and can be used in a candida cleanse.
Good-quality probiotic supplements are available in health-food stores and online. They should contain live cultures such as Lactobacillus or Bifidobacterium in some form.
To do a candida cleanse with probiotics, add the good bacteria to your diet and restricting sugar and yeast, usually for about three months. Your health-care practitioner may add a prescription antifungal medication like Nystatin or an herbal formula. These will help remove candida from the body also.
Other Forms of Cleansing
Additional candida cleansing may be done with products like Metamucil that contain psyllium fiber. Combining fiber and diet restrictions with probiotics is an effective way to completely cleanse candida. The good bacteria helps restore proper balance to the digestive tract.
Eating a diet that contains too much sugar or yeast-containing foods can cause overgrowth of candida to return. Repeated periods of candida cleansing may be necessary to keep the intestinal tract healthy.