Cleansing Through Bowel Management
What Bowel Management Is
Bowel management is simply taking the steps necessary to ensure that your bowel movements are smooth and consistent. Rather than taking the path that most people take and paying attention to your bowels only when you become constipated or have diarrhea, pay attention to your bowels on a daily basis and be proactive in your bowel health.
How to Practice a Good Bowel Management Program
There are two simple things that make all of the difference in a good bowel management program: fiber and water. On average we should consume between 25 and 30 grams of fiber per day. In reality, most people consume only between 8 and 10. Adding fiber to your diet is essential to keeping your bowel moving smoothly so that it can properly process waste and cleanse the body of toxins. Beneficial sources of fiber include psyllium husk, bran, brown rice, dark leafy greens and fresh fruit.
Water is also just as important as fiber, since without adequate water consumption the fiber that we eat can cause us to get backed up and become constipated. Any type of fluid intake is beneficial in keeping fiber moving, but drinking the recommended eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day is important in a bowel management system.
There are other things that you must do to practice a good bowel management program. We all know how important exercise is to the rest of our body, but many people are unaware that daily exercise is important for proper bowel health as well. Even light exercise, such as 10 to 20 minutes a day of walking, will help to keep things flowing.
How Bowel Management Works to Cleanse the Body
Most people are aware that the bowel removes waste from the body. However, the majority consider that the bowel is only removing food waste from the foods they have consumed. The cleansing performed by the bowel is actually much more than that, as it also removes toxins that accumulate in the colon and intestines which can cause harm to our bodies.
If the bowel does not function properly expelling these wastes daily, they can build up in the colon and cause illness to occur. These wastes and toxins can then begin to move into the bloodstream, resulting in toxic overload for our bodies.
Ideally, we should have smooth, quick bowel movements for each meal that we consume. This helps to make sure we are adequately removing waste and preventing toxic buildup. This is probably not the case for you now, as most people have only one bowel movement a day or less. But if you set up a good bowel management program, you too will be able to achieve excellent health through bowel management.