Osmotic Diarrhea Causes

Diarrhea can result from many different causes. Osmotic diarrhea occurs when excessive water enters the bowel. Normally, a series of processes occur in the intestines that facilitate the absorption of nutrients, other substances and water, but a variety of conditions can interfere with these processes.
  1. Poor Digestion

    • Conditions that promote poor digestion cause nutrients to remain in the intestine where they can draw in fluids, resulting in watery stool. Examples include celiac disease (allergy to wheat protein) and conditions affecting the pancreas.

    Sugar and Sugar Substitutes

    • Certain types of sugar contain compounds that the body has a hard time absorbing. These substances remain in the intestine where they draw water into the bowel. Lactose (milk sugar) intolerance is a common cause. Sugar substitutes like sorbitol or xylitol and high fructose corn syrup can also promote water retention in the intestine.


    • Laxatives containing magnesium phosphate, magnesium sulfate and sodium phosphate can also cause osmotic diarrhea.

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