How to Stop Constant Burping
Eat and drink slowly, to avoid swallowing excess air that may cause you to burp.
Breathe through your nose whenever possible. This will keep you from swallowing excess air.
Consume fewer carbonated drinks, as these contain bubbles which can cause gas in your digestive system.
Avoid or limit foods that tend to cause extra gas. These differ from person to person, but the likely culprits are foods containing a large amount of fiber, starch, refined sugar or carbohydrates. Some examples are cheese, milk, vegetables, fruits, beans and whole grains.
Take a medication to aid in digestion and reduce gas buildup. These medications are specialized to help you digest a certain food product such as carbohydrates, lactose or sugars, so you may need to try a few or figure out what is causing your gas, so you can get the right medicine.