What Happens When You Irritate Hemorrhoids?
Internal Hemorrhoids
Blood may be seen when hemorrhoids are irritated. Hemorrhoids located inside the lower portion of the rectum are called internal hemorrhoids. Internal hemorrhoids are often irritated during a bowel movement, especially if the stool is hard or the person is straining. Irritated internal hemorrhoids sometimes cause bleeding. Bright red blood is seen in the toilet, or on the toilet paper after wiping. This symptom is sometimes alarming for the sufferer. Some internal hemorrhoids prolapse and protrude through the anus, and are often painful.
External Hemorrhoids
Pain and itching cause discomfort when hemorrhoids are irritated. External hemorrhoids do not have the same symptoms as internal hemorrhoids. They are irritated with wiping and bowel movements. Sometimes external hemorrhoids fill with blood, which is called a thrombosed hemorrhoid. This causes a painful lump and swelling near the anus. In some cases, this is drained by a doctor. Some people experience bleeding and rectal itching when external hemorrhoids are irritated.
In severe cases, surgery is needed. Even though hemorrhoids are a common affliction, anyone who experiences rectal bleeding is to see a doctor to rule out other conditions. Treatment for hemorrhoids depends on the location and severity. In some cases, over-the-counter creams and ointments are enough to manage the symptoms. Dietary changes such as eating enough fiber and drinking plenty of fluids help prevent irritated hemorrhoids. Sitz baths are often recommended to alleviate discomfort due to irritated hemorrhoids. In cases where these measures are ineffective, more invasive procedures are performed. A common procedure to treat hemorrhoids is called rubber band ligation.