How to Raise Your Body's pH Naturally

The body's normal pH (potential of hydrogen) fluctuates between 7.35 and 7.45. If your body's pH varies above or below these numbers for a relatively short amount of time, the conditions of acidosis or alkalosis can become apparent. The condition of having a lower-than-healthy pH, acidosis, is seen more often than cases of alkalosis, or higher-than-normal pH. The ratio of carbon dioxide to bicarbonate determines pH levels, and the substances are regulated by the lungs and kidneys, respectively. When low pH levels are detected, certain steps can be taken to raise them to an acceptable range.

Things You'll Need

  • Alkaline-producing foods
  • Litmus pH tests
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      Breathe deeply and slowly. Saturating the body with oxygen causes increased bonding of hydrogen atoms. As hydrogen atoms bond to perform processes like cellular respiration, they can no longer cause a drop in pH levels. Some people who suffer from chronic low pH levels make lifestyle changes that help the condition by way of increased aerobic respiration. Getting adequate exercise or participating in a meditation program are some common activities that increase aerobic respiration.

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      Consume an abundance of alkaline-producing produce. Leafy green vegetables are some of the most well-known of the alkaline-producing foods. Consuming leafy greens at least three times per week is often times adequate to maintain a healthy pH. Other vegetables and fruits, like apples and asparagus, are good sources as well. If your pH levels still tend to drop below acceptable levels, increase the amount of these foods you ingest.

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      Consume other foods that are alkaline-producing. Olive oil, flax seeds and raw honey are good candidates, as are garlic and hazelnuts. These foods can be used to top a green salad to help combat acidosis.

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      Reduce stress levels in everyday life. The body's reaction to prolonged physical and emotional stress has been shown to lower pH levels. In these cases, establishing a supplement regimen to replace vitamin and minerals, which tend to become diminished during acidosis, can be helpful as well.

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      Test your body's pH levels regularly if you are trying to manage acidosis at home. Litmus pH test strips are available at most drug stores. Litmus tests can be conducted with either a saliva or urine sample. The quality of both tests is similar, but it can be a good idea to stick with one type to ensure overall accuracy. Administer the litmus test one hour before eating a large meal, then again at least two hours later.

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