How to Detect Helicobacter Pylori
Talk to your doctor about your symptoms. If he or she suspects an H. pylori infection, a test may be recommended to check for the bacteria.
Blood antibody test: Undergo a blood test by allowing your doctor to prick your finger and collect a drop of blood. You do not need to prepare for this test if this is the type your doctor recommends.
Stool antigen test: Do not take any proton pump inhibitor drugs for two weeks before the test and no medication containing bismuth (often used for upset stomach or heartburn) for one month before. Use the stool collection container your doctor gives you to get a sample after you use the toilet. Give the sample to your doctor for testing.
Urea breath test: Do not eat or drink anything before the test. Stop taking antibiotics and medicine containing bismuth one month before the test. Stop taking proton pump inhibitors two weeks before the test and H2 blockers 24 hours before the test. Drink the solution that the doctor gives you containing radioactive carbon molecules which reacts with the H. pylori bacteria. Blow into a bag and give it to the doctor to test.
Stomach biopsy: Do not eat or drink anything before the test. Stop taking antibiotics and medicine containing bismuth one month before the test. Stop taking proton pump inhibitors two weeks before the test and H2 blockers 24 hours before the test. You will be put under anesthesia and the doctor will use an endoscopy to go down your throat to collect a tissue sample from your stomach to test.