How Should I Sleep to Help Digest My Food?
Lie on your stomach, with your hands at or above your head. This position allows the food to pass on through to the intestines uninhibited for further digestion. It is also the best way to get rid of the discomfort of gas. Prone position sleeping also opens the airways to reduce snoring.
Prevent a reflux episode by elevating your head while in the prone position. This gives you a little help from gravity to keep the stomach acids where they belong.
Eliminate gas discomfort by sleeping in the prone position with only enough pillow support for your head. The position allows the excess gas to pass on through the digestive system, relieving you of painful cramps and bloating.
Sleep on your left side, if your are a fetal position sleeper. It allows better circulation and does not impede digestion. Sleeping on your back in an elevated position can also help relieve the symptoms of reflux.
Sleep on your back with just enough pillow support for comfort, if you have a history of back trouble. This position allows good digestion and also keeps the spine in the best position to relieve pain. The drawback is that sleeping on your back can increase snoring and apnea symptoms.