Drugs Used to Treat Fibromyalgia
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, have helped sufferers of fibromyalgia, although it's not an inflammatory disease. The extent to which these drugs offer relief varies. The benefit is dependent upon the severity of the pain the patient experiences. Analgesics are used to treat general pain and stiffness, so these medicines would work best for those with slight to moderate discomfort.
Usually prescribed as a last resort when other treatments have not improved a patient's quality of life, narcotic drugs such as Vicodin, Oxycontin, Percocet and Darvocet are advised. They are used to treat acute, flare-up and break-through fibromyalgia pain. Pain medication can also be absorbed through the skin and into the bloodstream with a pain patch. These drugs can be highly addictive and must be monitored well by your doctor.
"Tender point pain" refers to areas on the body that hurt so much they cannot be touched. These muscle "knots" can sometimes be treated with trigger-point injections. A local anesthetic or corticosteroid is used for severe pain.
Selective seratonin reuptake Inhibitors, or SSRIs, work by boosting the levels of the chemical seratonin and keeping it in the system longer. This helps patients control pain, sleep better and ease depression. Commonly used drugs are trazodone, sertraline, citalopram and doxepin.
Muscle Relaxants
Muscle relaxants help minimize muscle spasms and pain. Because they are sedating drugs, they are best administered at bedtime. The most commonly prescribed muscle relaxant is Flexeril. Klonopin is an anti-anxiety drug and, like Valium, has muscle relaxant properties. They may be prescribed to help fibromyalgia patients feel calmer and thus deal better with pain.