Non Verbal Methods of Communication
Clothing Communication
The way that people dress can communicate a lot of things about them. For example, people who want to communicate their socioeconomic status may wear expensive jewelry and furs to let others know that they are wealthy. In the workplace, the way people dress can communicate level of professionalism. Sometimes people unintentionally communicate messages by the way they dress. For example, although someone with piercings may think they are just expressing their individuality, some people may see this jewelry and assume negative traits about them.
Just as words can communicate certain information, the use of silence can also convey messages to other people. Silence is often used when people are mad at each other, and they are trying to hurt one another during this conflict. By remaining silent during these tough times, people are communicating that they are so angry that they refuse to acknowledge the other person. Silence can also communicate that someone is intentionally being uncooperative, defiant or distant.
The distance people stand from each other can communicate the nature of the relationship. People who are are in romantic relationships usually stand at an intimate distance away from each other, which is 0 to 18 inches. Personal distance, which is usually used by friends and acquaintances, is 18 inches to 4 feet. When people are among strangers in public, they generally stand 12 to 25 feet away from each other.
The way that people use their bodies is often used to communicate certain messages. When people want to show their emotions, they may use affect displays, such as smiles and frowns, in order to make it clear how they feel. When people use emblems, they're using gestures that can be translated into words and phrases. Examples of this are when people wave hello to someone or give someone "the finger."
Paralanguage refers to the way a person uses her voice when she is communicating. This includes how high or low her voice is (also known as pitch); how fast she speaks, and how loud her voice is. Paralanguage is often use to express emotions, such as when someone speaks loudly when he is angry and speak softly when he is depressed.