How to Choose an Electric Scooter by Category

Electric scooters are not something that is thought about until a decrease in mobility happens due to an accident or illness. To keep the unlimited choices of makes and models of electric scooters from becoming overwhelming, here is a breakdown of the categories most electric scooters fall in to.


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      Electric Scooter - Four-Wheeled

      As the name implies this scooter has four wheels which provides stability. This type of scooter is good for outdoor use since it can go over uneven terrain without tipping over and ha a higher ground clearance. This is a heavier machine so check the lifting capability of the lift, if that is how you will be transporting the electric scooter. Many of the 4 wheel mobility scooters are easily disassembled for transport, also. The weight capacity is 300 - 500lbs and the distance per battery charge is up to 20 miles.

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      Electric Scooter - Three-Wheeled

      This type of scooter, which has three wheels, is meant to be used indoors or outdoors on even terrain. The maximum weight capacity is 300 - 425 lbs. The distance per battery charge is 15 - 20 miles. The mobility scooters are comfortable and can easily fit into a van.

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      Mobility Scooter - Folding Scooters

      When you have some mobility and need an electric scooter for longer distances or you have someone who is traveling with you may choose an easily transported folding scooter. This type of electric scooter is lightweight and easily disassembled and transportable in trunks of cars or the back of SUV's. The maximum load varies but starts at 250 lbs and the distance per battery charge is 6 - 15 miles.

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      Electric Scooter - Heavy Duty

      This style scooter can come with three or four wheels (usually an upgrade of the above categories which increases the weight capacity). There are also heavy duty 'zero radius' scooters that turn on a dime and are more like a powered wheelchair, controlled by a joy stick.

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