How to Apply for Social Security Disability for a Child

If your child is under 18 and physically or mentally disabled, he may qualify for social security disability known as Supplemental Security Income benefits. If he works, his income must not be significant. Portions of the application for social security benefits for your child can be done online, which may expedite the process. Prior to your interview, have all necessary documents ready.

Things You'll Need

  • Medical records
  • School records
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    • 1

      Visit the Social Security website (See resources section).

    • 2

      Review the Child Disability Starter Kit. The checklist and worksheet will help you identify all medical and personal information you'll need for the interview, such as your child's medical history, medications, school records, your current income and your child's income (if working).

    • 3

      Contact the Social Security office by phone (800-772-1213) to confirm eligibility and schedule an interview in person or over the phone.

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      Fill out the Child Disability Report online. Print and sign the form to authorize your child's doctor to present medical information about the child. If you do not have all of the information needed, save the application and complete it later.

    • 5

      Once your disability application is submitted, wait three to five months for a decision. The more thorough your application is, the quicker the response time. Be prepared to provide additional information or medical exams. You will receive the decision by mail.

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