How to Walk With a Quad Cane
Hold the cane in the hand opposite from your injured foot. A common misuse of the quad cane is to hold it on the side of the injury and attempt to use it as a "replacement" for the injured foot. In fact, the purpose of the cane is to act as a counterbalance to the weaker foot, as this provides greater stability.
Avoid uneven terrain whenever possible. If you must walk on unsteady ground, watch all four feet of the cane as you move to make sure the cane isn't tipping.
Take reasonably sized steps, erring on the side of small. Large steps increase your chances of injury, both because you spend more time at once on you injured foot and because a wide stance is more precarious.
Ensure that all four legs of the quad cane are landing evenly as you walk. Tilting the cane so that some of the legs are lifted off the ground should be avoided, as this decreases your stability.
Place the cane appropriately for each step. The center space of the quad cane's four legs should land opposite the instep of your injured foot.
Avoid pivoting. Turning on your injured foot or cane may cause an unexpected distribution of weight.
Maintain good posture. It can be tempting to lean or slump over the cane, but this will make your structure less stable overall. Stand upright but relaxed at all times.