How to Keep Your Cool as an MS Patient
Things You'll Need
- Cooling products mentioned in this article and below in the links.
- Willingness to accept that you need these tips to feel your best.
Maintain your home air conditioner and use it. Cut back on utility expenses elsewhere. The A/C is not a luxury in your case, it is medically necessary. In MS, not only the heat, but increased humidity makes symptoms flare. Turn your thermostat lower in the winter to balance utility bills. Employ ceiling fans and standing fans to keep the cool air moving.
Take a cool shower upon arriving home from work. This will help you function better in the evening, and allow you to sleep a bit easier. Take a cooling shower before exercising or strenuous activities.
Carry a water bottle with you at all times. Be sure to add ice. Today's plastic-free stainless steel drinking bottles help keep ice water cool. Keep hydrated. Enjoy fruit popsicles and cold fruits such as watermelon. Frozen fruits are cooling to eat and nutritious to boot!
There are numerous online merchants that carry cooling products. Vests, wristbands and bandanas are some of what is available. Consider these costs as medical expenses. Look for clothing that has wicking action to keep you cooler. Avoid man-made fibers, and wear cottons and natural fibers. Polyester and nylon do not breathe, and maintain a higher body temperature.
Consider a wheelchair cooling pad for your office chair. You don't have to have a wheelchair to use this device for its cooling effects. Cooling car seat cushions are available for the car too.
Try a Chillow. You won't have to turn your pillow over and over to get the cool side! This pillow insert stays cool all night.
Spray yourself with a fine mist water bottle to help cool you down.
Rest during the hottest times of the day. It goes without saying... stay out of the sun!
Do what you can to stay cool, to feel your best. You may consider these tips a bother, but they are necessary to feel your best! Soon, the use of cooling products will become second nature.