What is nimhans index of specific learning disabilities?
1. Word Recognition Test: Assesses the ability to recognize and read words accurately and fluently.
2. Sentence Reading Test: Evaluates the ability to read and comprehend sentences.
3. Reading Comprehension Test: Assesses the ability to understand and interpret written information.
4. Spelling Test: Measures the ability to spell words correctly.
5. Written Expression Test: Evaluates the ability to express thoughts and ideas clearly and coherently in writing.
6. Arithmetic Test: Assesses basic mathematical skills, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
7. Problem Solving Test: Evaluates the ability to solve word problems and apply mathematical concepts to real-life situations.
8. Visual Perception Test: Measures the ability to perceive and interpret visual information accurately.
9. Auditory Perception Test: Assesses the ability to perceive and interpret auditory information accurately.
10. Social Skills Questionnaire: Provides information about the individual's social behavior and interactions with peers and adults.
11. Attention and Concentration Test: Evaluates the ability to sustain attention and focus on tasks.
Each subtest is scored separately, and the results are combined to create an overall index of SLD. Children who score below a certain cut-off point on one or more subtests are considered to have a specific learning disability in the corresponding area.
Interpretation and Usage:
The NISLD helps identify children and adolescents who may be experiencing difficulties in specific academic areas due to underlying learning disabilities. It assists in diagnosing SLD, differentiating it from other conditions that may affect learning, and developing appropriate educational and intervention plans tailored to the individual's needs.