How do you handle security guard who has become a drinker and started neglecting his duties?
Before taking any action, it's important to gather evidence of the security guard's drinking problem and neglect of duties. This may include:
- Documenting specific incidents where the security guard was intoxicated or failed to perform his duties.
- Obtain statements from other employees who have witnessed the security guard's behavior.
- Reviewing security camera footage if available.
Step 2: Confront the Security Guard
Once you have gathered sufficient evidence, confront the security guard about his behavior. Be direct and specific about the allegations against him. Allow the security guard to explain his side of the story, but don't let him make excuses or minimize the problem.
Step 3: Offer Assistance
If the security guard is willing to admit his problem and seek help, offer your assistance. This may include referring him to an employee assistance program (EAP) or providing him with contact information for a therapist or counselor.
Step 4: Take Disciplinary Action
If the security guard is unwilling or unable to address his drinking problem, you may need to take disciplinary action. This may include:
- Suspending the security guard without pay.
- Demoting the security guard.
- Terminating the security guard's employment.
Step 5: Follow Up
Regardless of the action you take, it's important to follow up with the security guard to ensure that he is making progress in addressing his drinking problem. This may involve:
- Checking in with the security guard regularly to see how he's doing.
- Offering additional support or assistance if needed.
- Monitoring the security guard's performance to ensure that he is meeting his duties.