How to Apply for SSI for an Autistic Child
Visit any Social Security Administration office to begin an application for SSI for an autistic child. You can find a list of office location on the SSA website.
Complete the Child Disability Report online if you prefer, but you must still get the remainder of the application from an SSA office.
Fill out the application and Child Disability Report completely. Provide detailed information about your child's condition and how it prevents him from functioning normally at home and at school. Include information about any difficulties your child has communicating with others.
Provide the SSA with names and addresses of all health care providers who have treated your child, including physicians, occupational therapists, speech and language pathologists, psychiatrists or psychologists, hospitals and clinics. Sign a HIPPA release giving your permission for health care providers to release information about your child to the SSA.
Let your child's health care providers know that you plan to apply for SSI for your autistic child. Ask them to provide any requested information to the SSA as quickly as possible.
Provide the SSA with the name and address of your child's school along with the names of his teachers and other school personnel that care for him regularly and are knowledgeable about how his disability affects him.
Notify your child's special education teacher and other school personnel that you plan to apply for SSI for him and ask them to provide any requested information to the SSA as quickly as possible.
Provide information regarding all household income, including income earned from jobs, child support, worker's compensations, unemployment or welfare payments. Also provide information regarding all assets, such as money in bank accounts or cash on hand.