How to Make Amends in AA
Make a list of everyone you hurt when struggling with your addiction, along with a brief explanation of how you hurt each person. The names can be split into separate categories, such as those people you're most comfortable contacting. Ask your AA counselor for help with this part of the process.
Contact each person one at a time, by phone, in an e-mail or through a letter. Inform him or her about your desire to make amends and ask for a time to meet. Do not show up at anybody's door unexpectedly; it may be inappropriate.
Give each person a sincere apology and repay anything you took or destroyed, such as money or a car. If repaying a debt is not possible or the harm caused was emotional, let the person know you're willing to do anything it takes to repair the pain caused by you, perhaps by working around the house or running errands. If repaying a large sum of money, try to make a payment arrangement.
Give each person your contact information at the end of the meeting.