How to Change Power Chair Tires

Power chair tires should be replaced every few months depending on how much the unit is used. Power chairs that have pneumatic, or air-filled, tires should have the tires replaced before tread baldness has occurred. Solid or foam-filled tires also can wear out and should be replaced when tire wear is noticeable. Changing a power chair tire is a relatively simple task that can be completed in the privacy of your home.

Things You'll Need

  • Replacement tire(s)
  • Air pump or compressor
  • Air-pressure gauge
  • Screwdriver
  • Wrench
  • Tire tool
  • Spray bottle
  • Water
  • Soap
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  1. How to Change an Air-Filled (Pneumatic) Power Chair Tire

    • 1

      Turn off the power and lay the power chair on its side. Position the power chair so the damaged or worn tire is off the ground and facing you.

    • 2

      Deflate the old tire by removing the cap from the tire valve and depressing the center button to remove the air.

    • 3

      Remove the old tire from the wheel by using the screwdriver or tire tool to pry it away from the wheel track. Do not use too much force to pry the tire from the wheel or you could damage the rim.

    • 4

      Spray the rim and inside of the tire with soapy water to help the tire slide into place easily.

    • 5

      Insert the tire tube into the new tire and partially inflate the tube with air.

    • 6

      Fit the new tire over the wheel rim. Use the screwdriver to lift the new tire into position over the tracks. Check both sides of the wheel to make sure the tire is properly seated inside the wheel track.

    • 7

      Fill the tire with air. Use the tire gauge to measure the tire pressure; inflate the tire until the desired pressure is reached. A properly inflated tire reduces wear and extends the life of the tire. It's a good idea to check the tire pressure on a regular basis.

    • 8

      Turn the power chair upright. If more than one tire change is necessary, repeat steps 2 to 6.

    Changing a Solid or Foam-Filled Power Chair Tire

    • 9

      Turn off the power and lay the power chair on its side. Position the power chair so the damaged tire is off the ground and facing you.

    • 10

      Remove the wheel. Most power chair wheels snap off easily by pressing the quick-release mechanism located on the power chair. Some have a bolt that must be removed before the wheel will come loose.

    • 11

      Install the new wheel by snapping or bolting it into place. Be sure the wheel is firmly attached.

    • 12

      Turn the power chair upright. Repeat steps 2 and 3 if more than one tire change is necessary.

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