How to Apply for a Access Pass for New York State Parks
Things You'll Need
- Certification of Disability
Determine whether you are eligible for an access pass. Under current guidelines, there are eight categories of disabled individuals eligible for a New York State Park Access Pass. Individuals who are blind, deaf, non-ambulatory, amputees, disabled veterans, or individuals with a mental disability are eligible to receive a New York State Park Access Pass. For the time being, individuals who receive Social Security Disability or Supplemental Income also are eligible to receive the access pass, as well as those under the semi-ambulatory category requiring mobility assistance such as a walker; however legislative proposals would eliminate these individuals from access pass eligibility.
To apply for an individual access pass, download the application (see References) and fill out the application in full. Fill in your name, birth date, social security number, address, and phone number and tape a 1-by-1-1/4-inch photo of yourself onto the photo area of the application. Attach your disability certification. or have your physician fill out the physician certification portion with your information and your physician's signature.
Members of a group whose members have a permanent disability may apply for a group access pass. An authorized representative of the group must fill out their personal information and provide the group's disability certification or the group's physician's certification to confirm eligibility.
The New York State Office of Parks Recreation and Historic Preservation (OPRHP) have proposed changes to the Access Pass Program. The changes, if they receive final approval, would eliminate two categories of individuals who are currently eligible for access passes. Individuals who require a mobility aid such as a cane or crutches (classified as semi-ambulatory) will no longer be eligible. Individuals currently eligible because they receive social security disability or supplemental security income will also no longer be eligible.
Send completed applications to New York State Office of Parks (see References). It may take eight to 10 weeks for your application to be approved.
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