How to Obtain a Handicapped Plaque
Contact your state's division or department of motor vehicles or driving to obtain application instructions and forms specific to your state. You can find a full list of links to local departments on the California Department of Motor Vehicles website (see Resources).
Check that you qualify for a disabled parking placard. In Oregon, for example, one way to qualify is if you have "severely limited mobility" due to loss or paralysis of limbs, or if you have a condition that stops you from walking more than 200 feet.
Fill in the application form or forms provided by your state motoring department. Necessary details will include information such as driver's license, address, phone number and name of your family doctor.
Book an appointment with your doctor and take the form with you. The doctor will know the state's definition of disability, and he will sign your form if you meet the requirements.
Submit the completed form to your state motor vehicle department, enclosing the required fee. This fee varies, depending on your location. As of 2010, for example, Oregon charges $5 for each placard, while Florida charges $15 for a temporary permit application and nothing for a four-year permit (as of 2010).