How to Meet Disability Requirements
Keep adequate and accurate medical records. Never underestimate the power of documented information about your condition. If you have multiple conditions and are seeing several doctors, maintain sufficient paperwork for each doctor and reason for treatment. Request medical records before filing a disability claim and inform your primary physician of your disability application and why you are filing.
Get doctors to confirm your disability in writing. This includes doctors seen for physical or mental reasons. Having a doctor confirm that you are truly disabled and can no longer work will aid in obtaining approval of disability benefits.
Meet the defined medical conditions to be considered disabled for Social Security purposes. The Code of Federal Regulations, also called the Blue Book (see Resources), gives detailed descriptions of medical impairments that are eligible for disability approval. Adjudicators working in state Disability Determination Adjudication offices are guided by these medical listings when evaluating a disability claim. It is also important to communicate with your doctor about these listings, which are divided into 14 categories.
Obtain a lawyer. A lawyer is not necessary to win a disability claim, but may help if you don't want to fight the disability claim alone or have a hard time understanding disability law and other aspects of getting a disability claim approved. Most disability lawyers do not charge for their services unless they win the disability case.
Get expedited processing. The Social Security Administration uses Quick Disability Determinations and Compassionate Allowances standards to come to a quicker decision in disability cases. Predictive computer modeling is used to identify claims are are most likely to be approved. Disability adjudicators are provided with information about the applicant's medical condition, the medical evidence needed to confirm a diagnosis and the medical listing criteria the disability meets. Accurate documentation and doctor confirmation help expedite the case. An expedited case is typically reviewed and approved in three weeks, rather than the usual three months.