How to Apply for USPS Disability
Print Form SF-3107, the application for immediate retirement. Fill out all the required information on the form, which consists of different sections: identifying information, federal service, marital information, annuity election, insurance information, other claim information and information about your children. You must fill out every section and use the most current information. You can type the information directly onto the form but you cannot save the information; you must print it out.
Print Form SF-3112, the disability retirement documentation. There are five forms within Form-3112, but you need to fill out only Form-3112A, the "Applicant's Statement of Disability" form.
Take Form-3112C, the "Physician's Statement" form, to the physician who diagnosed and cares for your disability. Take Form-3112B, "Supervisor's Statement," to your immediate supervisor so he can fill in the necessary information regarding your performance and conduct.
Give Form-3112D, "Agency Certification of Reassignment and Accommodation Efforts," to the Coordinator of Employment for the Handicapped. If you're not sure how to contact the coordinator, ask your postal service agency for assistance. Give form-3312E, "Disability Retirement Application Checklist," to the head of your postal service agency.
Ask for the forms back from the people that you gave them to. Send Form SF-3107 to your local USPS personnel office. If you are still employed by USPS, you can also send all completed forms of Form SF-3112 to your local USPS personnel office. If you have been separated from the USPS for more than 31 days, you must send the completed forms of Form SF-3112 to:
U.S. Office of Personnel Management
Retirement Operations Center
Boyers, PA 16017
The Office of Personnel Management will inform you whether you are approved or denied for disability retirement.