Requirements for Disability in Washington State
Temporary Total Disability Compensation
A temporary total disability is an illness or injury that lasts for over 12 consecutive calendar weeks, making you unable to continue with a gainful occupation without risking your health, as prescribed by a physician. If you have a temporary total disability, then under Washington law you are eligible for such benefits as full-time loss compensation. Washington DDS states that you must apply for temporary total disability within the first 26 weeks of the disability to qualify for the benefits. This requirement is certified with a notice from the Washington Department of Labor and Industries.
Temporary Disability Parking
Washington State Legislature defines temporary disability as one that is expected to last for a period of less than six months. If you are temporarily disabled, you may qualify for disabled parking if you meet one of the following requirements: You use portable oxygen; you cannot walk without the help of a brace, wheelchair, prosthetic or cane and you cannot continuously walk a distance of 200 feet.
Temporary Disability Leave
The period for temporary disability leave is the time frame that is medically necessary to address any disability trauma or pregnancy or childbirth complications, depending on your condition. To qualify for this leave, the Washington Department of Labor and Industries requires you to have worked for your employer for at least 1,250 hours during the last 12 months before the leave. If you are pregnant, ill or you have had a surgical operation, Washington law requires you to receive temporary disability leave. In this case, you have to show certification from a licensed physician or a registered nurse.
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