How to Find an SIPT Certified Sensory Integration Specialist
According to Western Psychological Services (WPS), specialists certified to administer and interpret the sensory integration and praxis test, SIPT, participate in a five-day training course sponsored by the University of Southern California and Western Psychological Services. WPS's Dr. A. Jean Ayres explains that the SIPT uses tests of motor accuracy, space visualization, finger identification and kinesthesia to show test takers how children respond to and organize sensory input. Finding a SIPT certified sensory integration specialist is as simple as accessing the WPS sensory integration certification program information publishing portal.Instructions
Access the Directory.
Go to the Western Psychological Services sensory integration certificate program home page. Scroll down to the third subhead in a gray background entitled, "Directory of S.I. Certified Therapists." Click on the hyperlink beneath the heading. This will open a page entitled "S.I. Certified Therapists." From this page, you will be able to choose by state or foreign country from among a listing of certified pediatric therapists who voluntarily chose to be included for contact via the directory.
Select a state or foreign country and click "Go." American states and foreign countries are listed in alphabetical order for easy navigation and user friendliness. Clicking "Go" will generate an area-defined directory of certified sensory integration therapists. The names are not listed in alphabetical order, but contact information is presented in a gray table with separate information blocks for each practitioner.
Choose a therapist based on proximity to you. Call or email the therapist's office to determine working hours and appointment availability times. The S.I. certified therapists directory only provides therapist names, addresses, telephone numbers, fax machine numbers, email addresses and identifying certification numbers.