How to Ask a Doctor for a Disability Letter
Know what the government considers when they make decisions about disability benefits. The Social Security Administration makes determinations about disability based on five basic questions: Are you currently working; is your medical condition severe enough to limit your walking, sitting, standing, or remembering for at least one year; is your medical condition on the list of recognized impairments (see Resources); can you do the work you were doing before; and can you do any other type of work. Since these are the questions the government will ask, you should know the answers before approaching your doctor.
Know the questions your doctor will be asked. Your doctor will be required to answer certain questions as well, and her answers will be included in her letter of support for your disability claim. The government will want to know: what your medical condition is, when it started, how it limits your activities, what administered tests have shown, and what treatment you have received to alleviate the condition. Remember, your doctor will not be asked to determine whether or not you are disabled.
Schedule an appointment and let your doctor know in advance that you want time to discuss the situation. Many doctors try to see patients as quickly as possible. Make sure your physician understands that you need to talk about your condition and your future, so he can budget his time accordingly.
Offer your reasoning for needing the disability letter. Explain the situation to your physician in detail. You want her to back you completely in this endeavor; to do this she needs to know what is going on at home, while you are out of her sight.
Prepare yourself for disagreement. Your doctor may not see the situation the same way you do, so you must be prepared for a possible refusal. Be clear about what you want and how you feel, but avoid yelling and crying. Tell him you appreciate his position, but that this is necessary and you need his support.
Be gracious when your doctor agrees, and then follow up on it. Remember she is a person: Thanking her is a must. Like any other person, your doctor is busy, and writing a letter may slip her mind. Remind her periodically until you get your letter.