How to Apply for Disability in New Mexico
Gather the information needed to complete the disability application. You will need your name, address, date of birth and Social Security number; Social Security numbers for your minor children and spouse; Military Service Form DD 214 (if applicable); an income tax return for the previous year; a checking/savings account number and routing number; a name, address and phone number of someone who can verify your disability; a name, address, phone number and patient ID numbers of your doctor, hospital and clinic; the names of medicine you are taking and who prescribed the medication; the names and dates of medical tests and the recommending doctor; a five-year work history; an insurance name, address and phone number and your claim number; and workers' compensation claim information.
Go to the Social Security Administration website.
Click the "Online Disability Benefit Application" link. This link is located in "Step 2."
Complete the Disability Benefit application and answer each question honestly. The SSA estimates that it will take 10 to 30 minutes to complete the application.
Submit the application and close the webpage.
Click the "Adult Disability Report" link located in "Step 3."
Complete the Adult Disability report by providing information about your medical history. The SSA estimates that it will take 90 minutes to complete the report.
Submit the report and close the webpage.
Click the "Authorize to Disclose Information to the Social Security Administration" link located in "Step 4." This form authorizes the SSA to gain access to your medical, education and any other records pertaining to the verification of your illness.
Print and complete the form.
Click the "Local Social Security Office" link located in "Step 4."
Enter your ZIP code and click "Locate" to find the nearest New Mexico SSA office. The website lists the address, phone number and office hours of the office.
Mail or take the printed form to your local SSA office.