How to Order a Power Wheelchair With a Tilt-in-Space
Space wheelchair will provide a redistribution of pressure and can help reduce these issues.
Determining Your Need
Discuss your health needs with your doctor. Your doctor is always the best person to evaluate your medical condition.
Consider what you will be using your wheelchair for: will you use it at all times, in the house, out in the community? How long do you stay in your wheelchair at a time? Are you uncomfortable sitting for long periods of time?
Examine the rationale for obtaining a power wheelchair; power wheelchairs provide independence for those who have limited mobility. They are often recommended for those with a continuous need for mobility assistance, those with progressive conditions or those for whom self-propelling wheelchairs are contra-indicated.
Finding a Vendor
Consult with your physical therapist or occupational therapist; she will probably recommend a vendor for you to use.
Conduct research on vendors if you do not have a physical or occupational therapist to make a recommendation. Visit the Medicare website and use the Medicare Supplier Directory to find vendors in your area.
Interview potential vendors. Ask if he can connect you with a physical or occupational therapist; you will need a letter of medical necessity from a therapist in order for your wheelchair to be covered by insurance.
Ask prospective vendors if they service the equipment that they sell and whether they service wheelchairs in the home. Also ask if your wheelchair needs repair that requires it be brought into the factor for servicing, will the vendor provide you with a replacement chair during that time?
Confirm with the vendor that he will submit all of the necessary paperwork to insurance for payment. Review any responsibility agreements carefully.
Discussing the Tilt-in-Space Option with your Vendor
Discuss options with your vendor. For weight re-distribution there are two options: Tilt-in-Space or Reclining wheelchairs.
Consider the benefits of Tilt-in-Space. In the June, 2000 issue of "Technology Special Interest Section quarterly," Michelle L. Lange, OTR states that Tilt-in-Space systems provide a change in the patient's orientation in space and redistributes pressure from one area while maintaining fixed angles at the ankle, knee and hip.
Analyze your needs to be served by the Tilt-in-Space system. Tilt-in-Space systems are best recommended for individuals who need to be supported in maintaining fixed body alignment, limited or weak head and trunk control and those with limited range of motion. Conditions that are often served by a Tilt-in-Space include cerebral palsy, muscular diseases, spinal cord injuries and some head injuries.
Contrast the Tilt-in-Space with a reclining wheelchair. Recline systems differ from Tilt-in-Space because they change the relationship between the back and seat of the wheelchair. By reclining, the hip relationship is opened and closed, which will redistribute pressure.
Submitting your Order
Discuss the order process with your vendor.
Apply to Medicare or your private insurance for a prior approval or PA. A PA is documentatation from your insurance agreeing to pay for your equipment request.
Watch the mail for notice of your PA. Once your PA has been approved, your vendor will order the equipment from the manufacturer.
Communicate with your vendor often. When your vendor has received the equipment, schedule an appointment for delivery.