How to Transfer People in Wheelchairs
Ask the person in the wheelchair if there is a preferred method of transfer. It's sometimes easier to be moved in a certain way.
Lock the wheelchair wheels so they won't move. This is a huge safety precaution. If the wheelchair is not locked into place, there is a risk that either the person in the wheelchair or the person handling the transfer will get hurt should the wheelchair start to move.
Check to see that the chair or surface you are transferring to is set up and ready. You don't want to be in a situation where you get the person out of the wheelchair and have nowhere to put him. The surface you are transferring to should be lower than the wheelchair seat, if possible.
Move wheelchair footrests out of the way. This will allow the person in the wheelchair to place her feet on the floor.
Place your arms around the person in the wheelchair at the waist, and slide your arms up underneath her arms. Have her put her arms on or around your shoulders to give more support.
Stand up while you holding onto the person. Be sure to lift with your legs and not your back. It is often helpful to give the person in the wheelchair a prompt just before lifting, such as counting to three.
Pivot toward the other chair or flat surface while holding onto the person with a firm grip.
Lower the person gently onto the other chair or flat surface, making sure you have seated him in a safe and comfortable position.
Ask the person if she is comfortable, or if she needs to be shifted into a different position.
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