Techniques for Walking With a Cane
Level Surfaces
The cane is held in the hand opposite the weakened leg. The strong leg takes the first step in order to set the pace. The cane is then swung forward at the same time as the weak leg, as you balance on the strong leg. When advancing the strong leg and balancing on the weakened one, weight is placed on the cane for assistance. Walk at a comfortable rate, always advancing the affected leg and the cane at the same time.
Climbing and Descending Stairs
Again, the cane is held in the hand opposite the weakened leg. The free hand takes the handrail while climbing. The good leg takes the first step up, followed by the bad leg and the cane at the same time, landing on the same step as the strong leg. Going down the stairs, the free hand grips the handrail and the good leg is used first. The cane proceeds to the same step down. along with the weak leg.
Sitting and Standing
The backs of the legs rest against the edge of the chair seat and the cane is placed nearby where it can be easily reached. Both arms are used to find and grasp the arms of the chair and the weak leg is lifted slightly from the floor, while the stronger leg does all the work as the person sits. When ready to stand, the hands grip the chair arms, and the strongest foot moves forward a bit. It is time to lean forward slightly, then push upward from the chair to rise to a standing position. Grasp the cane with the hand opposite the weak side and place it beside the strong foot. Before taking the first step, wait a moment to get good balance, then step away with the good foot first, placing weight on the cane.