What Are the Benefits of a Standing Frame?
Standing up straight is something that a standard wheelchair does not allow. This means that if a disabled person uses a standard wheelchair it is difficult to look people in the eye, which can ostracize him or her.
Standing frames remove this problem and give people with disabilities independence. A standing frame user no longer has to rely on others to reach high cupboards, open freezers or do any of the other things that most of us take for granted. This is a key benefit of a standing frame.
Leg Muscles
In addition to independence and group acceptance, standing frames offer very real medical benefits--muscle stretching. Many people in wheelchairs have problems with atrophying calves and thighs because these muscles simply are not used in the course of their normal day. Standing frames force these muscles into stretching, which saves hours of physical therapy, discomfort and medical conditions in the long term.
Pressure Sores
People who use wheelchairs often suffer from pressure sores, which come from their legs and hips being in the same position for such extended periods of time. Pressure sores are serious problems, and can lead to infection if not treated.
A standing frame eliminates the problem of pressure sores by taking pressure off the users' thighs and hips. This means that existing pressure sores can heal and new pressure sores are less likely to form, which is key to the individual's health, comfort and general happiness.