How do I Claim Depression as a VA Disability?
Find a VA officer or caseworker to help with your depression claim. Call local offices to find someone you are comfortable discussing your condition with. An officer or caseworker understands the system and can lead you through the process. He can also ensure that you submit the correct paper work and other required information.
File a claim by filling out VA Form 21-526. You should submit this form as soon as possible, as any benefits you receive will backdate to this day.
Obtain medical records documenting your illness from all of your physicians and submit them to your caseworker. He will make sure the papers are delivered to the VA, which will then collect information about your claim.
Attend all appointments and submit all required paperwork when asked. Claiming disability benefits can be a time-consuming process. You will be asked to join counseling sessions, focus groups, see VA doctors and take medication for your conditions. There may be an evaluation hearing where you will be subjected to many questions pertaining to your service and life since then. Follow directions exactly to avoid time delays.
Wait for your ruling. The process can take several weeks to months after last time you submitted paperwork or completed an evaluation. During this time, as part of the depression disability, you will most likely be asked to continue medication and counseling.
Appeal the decision. If you are denied, it is not necessary to start over with a new claim. Although it will take longer to appeal than to start a new claim, a successful appeal allows you to keep the original effective date resulting in months of benefits payable to you.