Individual Grants for Disabled Persons
SSI Grants
The U.S. government provides support to disabled people through the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program. The program is funded by general tax revenues and gives cash payments to blind, elderly and disabled persons who live on low income or are unemployed. SSI funds help disabled people meet basic living expenses, such as groceries, clothing and accommodations. Applicants for SSI payments typically need to go through a screening process to confirm their specific disability before payments can be made.
VA Grants
Disabled veterans who wish to make modifications to their homes can apply for help from the Veteran Affairs (VA) Department. The VA department administers the Specially Adapted Housing program, which promotes independent and comfortable living for disabled veterans. Grants provided under this program are used to construct houses, install ramps for wheelchairs and other equipment to aid a disabled veteran's mobility. Candidates can apply for assistance through the Special Home Adaptation Grant, which also allocates funds to modify houses to increase mobility access and general comfort. However, you cannot receive both grants.
Developmental Disability Grants
The Department of Health and Human Services (DHSS) issues federal funds through individual state boards to disabled people with developmental disorders. The DHSS classifies developmental disorders as a severe and chronic impairment caused by either physical or mental illness. To be eligible for assistance, an applicant must have suffered from the condition from a young age and it must be considered terminal. Development disabilities prevent people from carrying out basic daily tasks including personal grooming, general mobility and communicating with others.
ABC Grants
U.S. citizens who suffer from blindness can contact the Association of Blind Citizens (ABC), who help blind people access grants for specially adapted equipment, such as computer workstations and software to help with reading. The ABC administers the Assistive Technology Fund (ATF), which offers money to the blind to cover up to half of the cost of such devices. The ABC believes this will help blind and visually-impaired citizens access current technology and have a substantial impact on increasing their employment opportunities. Applicants are typically required to submit personal documents, including tax payments and bank statements, as funds are reserved for those with the most financial need.